See below
20-30 minutes
Little to none
3-6 months
Anti-wrinkle injections involve a number of small injections using Botulinum Toxin. This prescription only medication (POM) is a natural protein that is produced by bacteria.
Wrinkles result from a combination of many factors, it isn’t only due to the ageing process & collagen depletion. When you frown or concentrate, the muscles between your brows contract causing your skin to furrow and fold. Wrinkle injections works beneath the skins surface and targets the underlying muscle activity that causes lines to form over time.
Wrinkle injections are injected with a micro-needle into the muscles that cause lines, temporarily reducing the activity of those muscles. The result is a smoother, softer appearance of the lines and wrinkles, and a youthful looking skin. Leaving you feeling and looking fresher.
You must attend a consultation with one of our clinic nurses for a medical assessment and prescription prior to booking your treatment. The consultation costs £25 which is taken off the cost of treatment. The consultation and procedure can not be done on the same day.
+ Price
Frown lines £110
Crows feet £130
Bunny lines, Lip Flip, Marionette lift, gummy smile From £110
Frown and forehead £190
Frown and crows feet £190
Three areas £230
Four areas £280
Masseter to help with teeth griding and face slimming From £280
+ When will I see the results?
It takes 5-7 days to start seeing the results after wrinkle injections, and up to 2 weeks for the full effects of the treatment.
For a few patients a review session may be required. If you need a top-up there is a cost of £10 and this will be carried out 2-3 weeks post treatment, this will be discussed during your initial procedure.
+ What will I look like after the procedure?
After you’ve had the treatment your skin can look slightly red and have raised bumps at the injection sites, this typically only lasts 30 minutes or so and will calm down completely. No make up can be applied although we stock a sterile cover up if necessary.
+ Does it hurt?
Wrinkle injections are administered using a micro fine needle similar to that used with insulin dependant diabetics. Although there are multiple injection sites it’s a relatively pain free treatment. It’s similar to plucking your eyebrows or popping a spot. Any discomfort lasts for mere seconds.
+ How does Botox feel?
As the product starts to work on the muscles it can feel tight, almost like a face mask drying on your skin. Some people will experience a headache which will be temporary and others feel a slight heaviness for a few days. Occasionally there can be slight bruising for a few days post treatment, arnica cream or tablets are recommended if this occurs.
+ I don’t want a ‘frozen’ look
Each patient will have a thorough consultation prior to their treatment where desired results will be discussed. The correct dose will be administered to treat your specific requirements it isn’t a one dose suits all treatment. A lot of patients ask for a natural looking improvement so the treatment will be tailored to you.
+ Who carries out the consultation and treatment?
A nurse will carry out your face to face consultation in a private treatment room, As a registered nurse and an independent prescriber all elements of your treatment are with one person. Wrinkle injections are a prescription only medication and can only be prescribed by a medical professional with the right qualifications.
+ Are there any side effects?
A list of side effects are outlined in your consent form, although rare you must be made aware of them. All of our treatments are performed inline with strict medical protocols and to a night clinical standard. This will minimise any of the common side effects and risks, it will be discussed during your consultation. Our nurses attend regular training courses to maintain up to date knowledge and skills.
+ Can you reverse the treatment?
It cannot be reversed or removed, however, most unwanted side affects such a heavy brow or “spock”(high) brow can usually be treated and rectified. If the results are not to your liking the effect does start to wear off after 12 weeks and your appearance will return to how it was prior to treatment once it has worn off completely.
+ What do I need to avoid after treatment?
Following treatment you must avoid exercise and alcohol for at least 24 hours. Avoid lying totally flat for 4 hours post treatment. Saunas, steam rooms and sun exposure including sun beds must be avoided for 14 days. We ask that you do not apply make up for at least 6 hours.